How can I help?

To make the campaign success­ful, we need financial support for example for printing flyers, posters etc.


Get involved!

Join one of our district groups and help us reach the goal of signifi­cantly less car traffic within the Berlin S-Bahn-Ring.


What's next?

Read our news­letter, keep track of dates & events, join our actions. Stay tuned for the latest news!


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A car-free Berlin city centre …

how does it work?

Our aim is to ensure that the public streets in Berlin are fairly apportioned, healthy, safe, liveable, climate- and environment-friendly. Since we do not believe that politicians are taking the necessary measures to achieve this, we must approach our goals in a direct democratic manner through a referendum.

All Berliners entitled to vote can decide on certain issues and pass laws for Berlin by means of a referendum. This is how we want to make our „Berlin law for road use based on the common good“ a reality.

Berlin law for road use based on the common good

legal framework

  • All streets within the S-Bahn-Ring (except federal highways) will become car-reduced streets after an appropriate transition period.
  • This means that the use of the streets will be limited to walking, cycling and public transport (the so-called „Umweltverbund“).
  • User groups who continue to depend on motor vehicles will receive a respective special use permit, for example:
    • persons with reduced mobility who are therefore dependent on a car
    • public and emergency services (e.g. police, ambulance service, fire department, garbage collection, taxis)
    • commercial and delivery traffic

The „Berlin law for road use based on the common good“ is available for download as PDF file here (full text of the draft law and explanatory memorandum in German).

additional demands

A city with significantly fewer cars changes and beautifies our lives on many levels. However, numerous consequences and repercussions must be considered and also regulated.

Due to the legal requirements for referendums, it is unfortunately not possible to cover all important points in our draft proposal. Therefore, in addition to what is stated in our proposed law, we demand:

barrierefreie, günstigere und perspek­tivisch kostenlose öffentliche Verkehrsmittel

… damit alle Menschen in Berlin unab­hängig vom Geld­beutel mobil sind. Dazu gehört der Ausbau der ÖPNV-Infrastruktur.

soziale Wohnungspolitik und besseren Mieter*innenschutz

Ein schöneres Leben durch weniger Autos darf nicht zu steigenden Mieten und Ver­drängung führen. Wir fordern daher Milieu­­schutz für auto­­reduzierte Stadtteile.

flächendeckende Parkraumbewirtschaftung

… in an die Umweltzone angrenzenden Stadtteilen, damit sie nicht mit Autos von Innenstädter*innen zugeparkt werden.

frei werdende Flächen für alle

Diese sollten im Sinne der Stadt­gemeinschaft genutzt werden, z. B. für öffent­lichen Nahverkehr, Grün­anlagen und Spielflächen. Keine Privati­sierung von öffent­lichem Raum!

Tempo 30 auf allen zukünftigen autoreduzierten Straßen

und Herabstufung der Berliner Bundesstraßen mindestens innerhalb der Umweltzone.

keine neuen städtischen Schnellstraßen

Durch neue Straßen entsteht nur mehr Verkehr. Neubau von Schnellstraßen ist in Zeiten des Klimawandels nicht zeitgemäß.

preliminary timetable

the path to the „Berlin law for road use based on the common good“

Zeitplan Stand 2023

Newsletter abonnieren!

Mach mit!

Schließ Dich einer unserer Stadtteil­gruppen an und hilf mit, unsere Idee überall in der Stadt bekannt zu machen!


Komm in eine AG!

Engagiere Dich in einer unserer Arbeits­gruppen, um das gemein­­same Ziel von weniger Autos in Berlin zu erreichen.


Your donation for a car-free Berlin city centre

Our initiative is based on voluntary work and is independent of political parties, companies or state subsidies. Posters, flyers and signature collection campaigns are only possible through the donations of private individuals like you.

With your support we are getting closer to a car-free Berlin city centre and can build up pressure despite a powerful car lobby and a slow senate! You are setting an example for a more liveable, climate-friendly and social city with better air, fewer accidents, less traffic noise and more freedom for everyone.

Thanks a lot for your support!

Please donate via bank transfer:
Berlin autofrei
IBAN: DE60 4306 0967 1298 5820 00
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

To support the initiative on an ongoing basis, you may become a sponsoring member of our supporting association: